Retrotec 5310 – Triple Fan Blower Door System

Retrotec 5310 – Triple Fan Blower Door System

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Retrotec 5310 Triple Fan Blower Door System

Most Flow Per Dollar 

This System has three Model 5000 Calibrated Fans in one Large Cloth panel door frame system. This is the most economical way to blow large quantities of air to test Commercial, Multi-Family or High Rise buildings.

This high output fan includes 6 flow ranges to provide accurate results over the widest range of enclosure volumes. It also includes the DM32X gauge, a manometer with smart capabilities, wireless connectivity, and a touch screen interface.

Retrotec fans are easily reversible: to switch from pressurizing to depressurizing your enclosure, simply flip the fan around in its panel.

You may also run automatic data logging from multiple fans, and remote gauge control from a laptop.

Who uses it?

  • Energy Auditors, HVAC Contractors, Building Contractors & Remodelers, Home Inspectors