SDM630MCT-4L EasyClick Plug & Play Metering Quad Load Three Phase EasyClick

SDM630MCT-4L EasyClick Plug & Play Metering Quad Load Three Phase EasyClick

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SDM630MCT-4L EasyClick Plug & Play Metering Quad Load Three Phase EasyClick

Designed and engineered to replace the need to use 4 separate 3 phase meters, monitoring and displaying each circuit from a user-friendly display. At one push of a button you can switch between each channel and from one Modbus address you can access each individual register

The SDM630MCT-4L is a high accuracy multifunction power meter that has been developed with plug in connections for the current transformer and mains voltage supply inputs. This negates the need to traditional wire into the meter and saving 90% on labour as well as eliminating wiring errors. Configurable for up to 12 x single phase 2 wire (1p2w) or 4 x 3 phase 4 wire (3p4w) systems and hosting a vast range of measuring parameters such as Amps, Volts, Power, Power and Current Demand (Sliding and fix scale options), Power Factor, imported and exported kWh and total harmonics. It is one of the most user-friendly multifunction power meters in the market form installation to end client use.

It is typical in most installations that the current transformers are mounted on the left-hand side of the breaker so P1 is facing the correct way. However, it is also possible to mount the current transformer on the right-hand side with P2 facing the breaker. This is possible due to the meter having the option to reverse the flow to correct this type of application.

The SDM630MCT-4L requires mains voltage inputs and external current transformers in order to operate, The SDM630MCT-4L meter comes complete with RS485 Modbus RTU and dual pulsed outputs as standard.

SDM630MCT-4L EasyClick Plug & Play Metering Quad Load Three Phase EasyClick
